
Gabrielle Thomas

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Marzipan is one of those things I’ve always wanted to learn about. And I got to make it.
I’m sharing the recipe so that you can try it too. It can be used to make decorations for petit four glace.

Ingredients: (yield 600 g)

Confectioner’s Sugar
240 g
Almond Paste
240 g
60 g
60 g


1.       Gather all ingredients and equipment.
2.       Scale ingredients.
3.       Place the ingredients in the bowl of a stationary mixer with a paddle in this order: Confectioner’s sugar, almond paste, fondant then glucose.
4.       Mix until the ingredients are combined.
5.       Remove from the bowl.
6.       Knead the mixture into one smooth piece.
7.       Place the marzipan in a plastic bag to avoid drying.

*You want to be very careful and CLEAN when working with marzipan. It is easily affected by any kind of grease or impurity. Work with gloves, especially when colouring it and work on a clean surface (silpat or parchment paper).

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